Battlegrounds (Vortex) and Intances

">">I queued for Vortex and paid 3g to queue then I went on an instance to obtain some Air Mastery fighting those low lvl elites and I was kicked from Vortex "> and did not get my 3g back... I think it would be a good idea to make it so when you go on an instance not to be kicked from the battlegrounds you are queued in. Especially, when there is a risk that someone would lose 3g if they are queued for Vortex and would lose at least 3g
Hello Jose M,

Are you sure your money was not returned as far as i see the 3 gold were returned to you at 20:30 - the time vortex started.

It was not that time, Vortex did give me back my 3 gold when it did not start. It was before that when I was the first one in queue and I went on the lvl 8 instance and I was queued for Vortex. I realized when I got out and saw that I was unqueued for Vortex and looked back and had no notice from Heaven's Voice that my bet lost or anything. And then I decided to queue again and and it did not go it returned my gold back
Jose M,

Thank you for clarifying we are currently looking into your issue.
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