Charm of Durability GLitch

19:08 Heaven's Voice: Durability of your Items has been reduced: 4181 -1 (17/35), 767 -1 (40/69), 23925 -1 (24/41), 23998 -1 (38/46), 967 -1 (9/32). 5 items? usally maximum 3 with charms on what's up?
Hello uptowndrago,

Was this during fight against a monster or player? Also it's seems to be still in terms with charms description as you received less durability loss than usual (normally it could be -2 to several items)
Player this has never happened
As far as I can work out Charm of Durability reduces all -2 to -1 and all -1 to no damage, so it if you was unlucky enough to get 5 items with -2 you would get 5 items with -1
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