Can't Log. And Which thing is Dragon Eternity sent to?

I can't log on, and when i make my new person it shpws up female only and still log on, all it says is "Please Choose Player" and never works, mind helping it out on all computers, and which place is dragon eternity going to be sent to, and which devices is able to get it, and will it be sent to tablet andzorid, 7inch Uniden and app sent to Slide Me Market plz
Blade Dixon,

You need to click on one of your available/created characters and then press the log-in button. Currently there is only pc browser version of DragonEternity however soon it'll be available for Ipad devices. Also eventually you will be able to play on Android too.
good about Android but i DO pick my character and i also make characters but it still says pick person and the people i make disapper. before the update, Blade Dixon didn't cause any trouble just the monster thing, and now i can't join, is there anything you can do?
Blade Dixon,

Clear your browser cache and cookies, update your flash player, if still having trouble see if you have same issues when trying with different browser. Thank you!
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