Battle tracking issue

Hi, relatively new player but enjoying the game. In battle it says i can track people/beasties but i have no option to do that. In the battle screen i get two side windows which have the loading spinny thing in them at all times, i assume this is where my 'team' tracking info would be??

It is very annoying in arenas when all i can do is stand still and wait for people to come to me instead of hunting down the one i want to finish first.

Has anyone else had this and how did they fix it?

Track button simply lets you spectate the player/dragon/skeletar. And believe me for them you're the one running away.
Oh, i see. Thanks for the info.

So in multiple person/mob battles i'll always look like i'm standing still and them changing isn't controlled by them it is random/automatic?

Yes the moving between enemies is an automatic action. While it might look like enemy is running away , for them it actually looks like you're the one swapping out.
Great, thanks for that. I was beginning to worry that i was missing out on an opportunity to finish someone off! One last question from this particular noob on this subject:
What should be in the side screens during battle? As stated all i get is the spinny loading icon.

In side screens you see names of participating members of each team, including their summons. You can click on one of them and then press track to spectate. If those screens are not loading for you i'd like to advise double checking if you have the latest flash and clearing your browser cache and cookies.
Clearing the cache worked for anyone else having this problem.
Thanks for all the help Ihit.
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