Problem with the Schemes of Tireless Gladiator Set

This scheme I is not active and I can not make armor, I 8 level. All quests for level 6 I made
I'm having same problem
no one help?
it won't let me make any of my armor and i am almost a level 12. i am up to date on all my quests and still nothing yet
Same here. I cannot make any lvl 6 quest armor even though i finished the quests. Any help will be a great help.
Do all of you have needed resources to create set items, if you do and still can't please send a screenshot of your blacksmithing screen where we can see that you don't have the neccesary scheme for green gladiator sets.
I have all the needed resources. I can only make the top 2 from my batch. The rest are light green an non makable, but they use the same scroll. Where do you want the screenshot sent to?

Nevermind. Was told you have it going already.
All of you should have received Durable Leggings quest, follow the quest chain from this quest to receive other schemes.
I'm having the same problem. All I can make is the boots even though I've completed the quests and have the necessary mats.

Edit : But I have completed all of the necessary quests. I have just never received the scheme to make other gladiator items.

There are more than one quest. issue has been fixed long ago, you simply haven't completed other quests.
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