a problem with how we deal with issues about the game

It seems to me like most of our issues are not with bugs in the game but with things being set up in a way that isn't fun or enjoyable but when try and let admin know about this they just tell us this is how it is and that there is no problem. I don't agree if we don't like the way the game is they need to look into this before giveing us this standard response case in point we had this last quest which could have been epic but it had some problems one big one the way defilers were handled but the only response we got was this was the way it was supposed to be. If it isn't fun or makes the game unplayable this is a big issue and needs to be looked into not just brushed off

You're always more than welcome to suggest changes to mehanics if you're not satisfied with them, given the suggestion is properly formulated in suggestions forums. Regarding Defilers - simply don't fight defilers if you do not want to turn into one, it is how mehanic was intended to work coming with it's limitations during later phases of event. Also, as previously mentioned you were using a game mehanic that is not intended to be your pemanent storage.
id agree with you but this was supposed to be a fun event instead in turned into something we were unable to participate in do to lack of money
we received no coin from mobs which wasn't listed as a possible hazard and the group bit might not have been intended to work like that but it does work that way without the breaking of any game rules. Also the limitations were not needed for game play so why have them this should be common sense if this many players were upset by what happened then this must be an issue.

Few silver wouldn't have changed the situation, also please do speak only for yourself as "fun" is very subjective term. There are many different ways of having fun and everyone has their own sense of it. While almost all information regarding Shaab was available, i very much doubt you did read it before jumping into the events. It might have not mentioned that you cannot stay in groups, but that should be self explanatory when you are limited of not being able to create them. We have added to description that you cannot stay in them, for those who don't think it is self explanatory, as well as no money dropss from monster while it being a minor limitation only for duration of event.

it is not exactly self explanatory, if you write you cannot create. I was not among those, who ended up kicked out, but I can see the problem. I also found the event page bit messy and hard to orient in, if I can be honest.
And no money from monsters is by no means MINOR limitation! It can actually mean that some players would not be able to play the game for the duration of the limitation, simply because they do not want to spend real money so they can refil gold and buy pots. So what you call minor limitation can actually be a killer for some players.
let me try this again the quest itself was outstanding well thought out for the most part good story line and great graphics definitely an outstanding job but the complaints we have listed took the enjoyment out of the quest instead of adding to it and yes i did read what was supposed to happen and it was unclear on the defilers at best the minor issue of no silver from mobs was a major issue with me as I only had 4 silver at the start of quest
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