
On 2nd boss - both myself and two other team mates were planning on hitting the middle group!

For some stupid reason - I was made to fight them alone
The other 2 fought another group!!


this bug isnt new! It has been happening for ages - and it started happening now!!

It costed me lots of durability and is costing me 1.3g in repair!!!

22:40 Heaven's Voice: Durability of your items has been reduced: 9341 -2 (5/13), 16645 -2 (22/35), 649 -2 (10/29), 9346 -2 (0/25), 949 -2 (5/19), 8033 -2 (30/33), 946 -2 (1/19), 773 -2 (27/59), 25562 -1 (0/14), 9371 -2 (15/21).
22:40 Heaven's Voice: Your items have broken completely; 9346, 25562. You can't equip them until they are repaired.
Hello MNS,

Most likely your teammates just attacked the wrong group.
There are 3 guard groups on 2nd boss.
We had 5 players.
1 player attacked top group, the other bottom - while 3 of us attacked middle.

This has been reported many times by many players already :(
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