
before the update i had all 10 of my allowed miners working at fort and they went off while the site was down for maintenance and when i came back even tho i only have 9 miners now working it says i have all 10 out and it never let me collect the 10ths resources he just vanished into some unknown place "> could you please look into it and thnx ahead of time ">
Hello Murmur,

Just in case i would suggest clearing your browser cache and waiting to collect resources from all of your miners, once done if you cannot put-up your 10th miner i would suggest trying to swap to different profession and changing back to mining afterwards.
yeah already did the norm tricks they didnt work thnx for the advice
and hello to you to
now it says i have no miners out but 9 miners in forts mines so i could put out 19 miners for a turn O.o
Just wait till next time you can collect from miners and as i said try swaping through other professions when you can and see if that helps.
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