1+ reels not given from "100 monster kills" pop ups

i have gotten around 7 of those "100 monsters killed" pop ups saying if i share on Facebook, i get .2 reels, but i have only every gotten 2 of these pop ups to actually give me the reels. i use the exact same process every time it comes up but it does not give the reels most times. i hope for this to be solved and for my missing reels so be given. hoping you are well, signed the Corruption
Same here, twice I have had the .20 reel facebook action and twice I have yet to recieve it. Please Help us and give us our reels. Now it is 10/21/2012 and I just had it happen agian.
When the window pops up that you've killed 100 monster click the box next to the Facebook logo. Then the press green share button and make sure your pop up blocker allows the pop box for ur log in to your Facebook. Log into Facebook and click allow like any other app that needs to be approved. It should post to wall and such once it posts to ur wall ur set and you receive reals, if there's no post on your wall you wont receive the reals.
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