Clan Permissions and Changing of news


My clan leader gave me permission to change the news/information. The permission says "Clan News" but there is no clan news tab. Only Information. This i cannot change. Can someone look into this for me?

There should be a button at the bottom to say modify text. I see nothing. I could use some assistance.
Hello Thulsa Doom,

Please clear your browser cache, restart your browser and double-check if you still can't see clan news tab by clicking profile on right top corner and then clicking clan. Clan news tab should be there.
I agree it should be there.. unfortunately it is not.

I have done all the things you have suggested. No news tab appears. I have tried this from multiple computers. One of which i have never been on before.

I have tried to provide you with screen shots but it keeps telling me external links are not allowed ">

Can u check my permissions they should be correct. Perhaps a bug. ">
I need to clarify my post.

I figured out i can get to clan news by going to: Once I post new I get a message in clan chat saying news is updated.

What I really want to change is clan information page. Which permissions do I need to access this?

Sorry for the confusion.
To change description in information tab you must be leader of clan.
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