Cave second boss

Is the bug gonna be fixed for after you kill the first boss in cave run and transfer to second boss, the camp leader they are black? We have to restart the game and then it doesn't show that you attack him.
Hello -Azure-,

Could you please explain briefly what do you mean they are black? Also if possible could you provide any screenshots of this, either upload them to your gallery or send screenshots to I would like to advise clearing your browser cache as well.
It happens to everyone. We kill the first boss and then you transfer over to the second one. It's done it since the patch about a week ago. We all have to restart did 2 cave runs tonight with a party and all had to refresh. You transfer to camp leader and all the monsters are black no color to them. You refresh and they have color and look like what they are supposed to. Then after you kill all three of them and go to attack the boss, one person attacks but it doesn't show up that he's attacked( the yellow swords shield) also happens first boss. i'll try to take a screenshot tomorrow if I can figure out computer.
To take a screenshot - Press the Print Screen (PrtScr) button located right next to F12 to take a screen capture. Once you have taken the screenshot, open any picture editor, for example Paint, and paste your screenshot into a new image. Save it and upload it to your galery or any picture website - for example imgur dot com.
I have a mac:) I'll figure it out if there is someone else that has this problem also please help. It wont matter about the attacking. You can't see it's attacked and have to tell people that you are in and to just attack I'll see if when in it shows up in the swords as battles going on. Will be tomorrow I'm going to bed:)
I found out how and will take a picture tomorrow using app. Grab Thanks for quick responses Ihit
I'm adding a picture to the galley under my character profile picture of the black monsters in camp of cave leader. We just beat the first boss and then moved over and they can't be attacked until you refresh Dragon Eternity.
Did you see the post in my gallery? Are you guys working on it and understand now what's going on?
Hello -Azure-,

Could you please provide link to your gallery to picture you mentioned? Thank you!
it's just in the gallery on web site it's not letting me for some reason just do a search for me in inferno elites gallery. or -azure-
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