Not able to keep chat working

The chat keeps going dead on me and I know a few others as well I have refreshed 5 times to try and type messages to clan members in the last few minutes current game time is 22:59 I have cleared cache and restarted computer as well I have also had trouble with getting stuck in the battle screen but was not able to catch the time but aprox 20mins ago was the last time. I cant show you battle log because I had to refresh to get back to normal screen.
I keep having the same problem with chat. Open up a tab like professions or the AH and then messages stop coming through and showing up when i send them. It also stops the things in those tabs from working e.g. clicking create item in profession tab and it pales but does nothing else, then after refreshing have to click it again. Has caused a couple of people to lose fights.
Hello BennyP and DeMentya,

Do you still have issues with chat or getting stuck at battlescreen's?
It seems much better this morning so far.
It was happening to me also but seems okay today :)
Ignore my last message, it's worse than ever.
Yeah, the game is toast today. Keep having to refresh or die.
After while being on, unable to send messages, do professions etc. without a refresh, sometimes unable to move as well. Nonstop refreshing, is worse regarding chat as messages won't send.
as finwe said. happened to me for several minutes started around 22:10 server time for me and last 5-10 min. quite annoying will post if it starts happening again.

as of 22:55 server time is happening every 3-5 min now the chat error issue...
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