Belt Glitch

Dont know if this is the right place to post this, and to be honest right now i dont care, absolutely fed up of this belt glitch and all items on belt not showing. I bought my blue belt at great cost the very least it should show everything in it. I just entered TOH with only 5 pots instead of 9. About time it was fixed
I've also been having problems with my belt. Items not showing up yet it's still saying the belt is full. Usually refreshing works, but sometimes I need to remove all my items from both and refresh in order to get rid of the invisible items previously added. Very annoying.
I have the same issue and normally i have to switch browsers to get it to work, or switch to other belt, kill something, switch back then off again, kill something else, then switch back and i see them finally. This is really annoying. not everything can be killed without elixers, y'know...
We are already looking into problems with belts so they can be resolved as soon as possible. Also i'd like to apologize for any inconvenience caused.
having the same prob

While the issue is being fixed - Remove everything you can see in belt and refresh the page, you should be able to see the rest of your belt items then.
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