Belt and 7 bridges problems.

my belt says it has everything on there but the icons arent showing up so i cant click on it or use them. i would have to log out and log in various times just to see them again. i see other people are having the same issue. hopefully it gets fixed soon. its becoming annoying. and logging in and out messes with my server and internet. i dont want to have to stop playing. plz fix it soon! ">">">
I was having similar problems as well
Hello SiriusStarlight and Carlos the Jackal,

If you still are having issues with your belts - please do clear your browser cache and check if your flash is up to date. If completing these two steps does not solve your problems, please briefly explain when exactly items start to disappear from your belt. Thank you!
its still happening. i did what you said to. everytime i log in, my belt says it has my potions but then the icon is gone. so i cant use them at all. when i refresh page, the problem still there. i always have an elixir of endurance and 4 elixirs of life. when one is gone, the other is there and use able. then when i refresh, the other type of potions is gone but the belt is still full. it alternates
fixed it!! i uninstalled chrome and reinstalled it
having the same problem as siriusstarlight and carlos the jackal been like that for 2 days now
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