delayed messenger quest

quest info :given by lior mahlron lvl 17
find the messenger by aldorian road
find messenger in the port of sadar
find messenger in vaalor harbour

when i get to the locations to find what is delaying the messengers, there if a captured messenger graphic. i click it, combat auto starts and i fight 2 mobs, i win the combat but nothing happens, i get no info, no messenger, and the captured messenger graphic is still there, to fight again over and over at first i thought maybe i will have to multiple fights but after 20+ combats with um and still no info or messenger it didnt seem right, might be bugged or i might be doing somthing wrong, either way any help or info much appreciated
Hello sir smoko,

Thank you for reporting this issue with quest, we are already looking into fixing this quest as soon as possible.
I have the same issue. your attention to this matter would be appreciated. Thank you.
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