Clan quest totals reset to zero

Oh this is crap! Our clan totals have been reset to zero! WTF??????????? Tell me where to post your stupid screen shot!
after all the work some of us put into that this better be fixed.....
why have they been set to zero we have worked very hard on the quest thats not fair or correct. So lets get it together and fix what is broken
this is b.s. I make it a point atleast once a day to dedicate time into gathering objectives for this.Thats hrs wasted for them to just toss our hard work out the window.If there gonna wipe it after a certain amount of time it not being completed some warning or notice from the game on a forum or something woulda been nice to encourage us to finish it up.But just to wipe it on us like this is cruel and definetley a good way to dis encourage us to even bother
Hello Elle and others,

I understand that you have done very hard work towards your clan quest however as newspost states: ''Those who have already started to collect ingredients for orbs need to use them, so they would be counted.'' Regarding screenshot of Russian description you can just post a link to it in this thread.
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