Durability lost

03:28 Heaven's Voice: Durability of your items has been reduced: {ITEM 8046,Sybraton,4f5ecc16-6a02-0101-a693-b2719900ad5e} -1 (28/31), {ITEM 455,Sybraton,4f7a83fe-9fe6-0306-331d-37b87361cdf9} -1 (23/24), {ITEM 490,Sybraton,4f831572-2342-0306-87e5-4cdc10e2e845} -1 (15/22), {ITEM 991,Sybraton,4fa0e3ef-ebfd-0404-8f3d-1d2f39fc66e0} -2 (18/40), {ITEM 3480,Sybraton,4f90be34-117e-0401-d922-40bfbe1c08d9} -1 (15/34).

why? i didnt get hit by the enemy dragon! yet my sword, necklace, canvas belt and ring suffered!
Hello Sybraton,

Could it possibly be that you were killed by enemy NPC during the battle , as then durability loss does occur.
no! not by npc! we won the fight too :)
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