Quest Character's are missing??

The Quest's where i have to talk to the character's isn't working!. There no where to be found? Please help.
Hello warrior Cooley002,
I need to know which quest You're talking about, what is the title of the quest?
I've been having this problem as well with all of my quests that ask me to go talk to someone:

Name: The Smuggler
Objective: Speak with Skinflint Bron about the trophy axeGuardian of the empire.
Location: Winery Crossroads

Name: Finding Nilzar
Objective: Speak with Nilzar about the peculiarities of Elite Half-Bloods.
Location: Square of Storms

Name: The Protectors Guild
Objective1: Accept the Protector Quest from Kungar.
Objective2: Accept the Protector Quest from Allur Rag-Veta.
Objective3: Accept the Protector Quest from the Notice Board.
Location1: Outskirts of Sadar Citiy
Location2: Square of Storms
Location3: Winery Crossroads

Name: Wager on a Valterna.
Objective: Speak with Kron Tander about a Swift Valterna trap.
Location: Crystal Meadow

Name: Gladitaor Armor
Objective: Talk to Barin Lissar about forging armor.
Location: Outskirts of Vaalor City

Maybe I am not looking correctly or there is something else I need to do? I'm not sure. Thanks for any help! :)
Hello warrior Shaiyr,
when You have a quest to talk to the NPC, first You can track quest by opening Quest log and enabling "Follow target" (green eye button), feet icon will appear next to locations where You have to go, when You reach screen with the quest NPC game shows on top of movement window ( внешняя ссылка ) - name of NPC and blue exclamation mark next to it, click on the name to talk to NPC and complete the quest.

Also learm more about quests here

Happy hunting!

Ah ha! I had the window minimized. Silly me. Thank you! :)
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