Missing Trade 2
I wrote on the 8th about a missing trade which I had with Deamoni. It was suggested that I discuss this with the player and he ignored me and I lost money and trade. Can something be done about this please I lost 1 gold 76 silver. I was buying an award ribbon and Deamoni was trying to sell one today again.
Please be more careful next time.
Thank you, but I need to know what precautions I can take against this. Please accept this is not me being facisious but actually asking a real question. As I cannot see anything I can do in that trade box which would ensure true trade.
Thank You
Don't press accept until You see wanted item(s) and/or money being traded to You or You trust player to fulfill deal (therefore taking risk).
OK I am sure I did that but I shall be more cautious in future. Thank you for your help.