Character-Profile-Clan Interface Bug

I joined the clan Eight Legion 21st February 2012. 1g was deducted from my purse and the clan logo/emblem appeared before my name a few minutes after. I can also access the clan channel(read and send msgs)right after joining. Problems: 1.The Clan News did not register my entry into the clan. 2.My name does not appear on the Clan Members list. 3.I can't access the Clan Information, Clan News & Clan Members pages through my profile. This appears "ERROR Invalid Address" upon clicking on the links. I was told to try quitting the clan but as i can't access the Clan Members page, i can't quit. Maybe there's another way to quit or "kick me out" of the clan? Thanks.
we are currently working on your problem. We do apologize for any inconvenience caused. The issues should be resolved by tomorrow.
thank you hideki for the reply more power:)
still i cant see him in my member list:(
4 days past ralph still missing in members list:(
your issue should be resolved by now. If it's not, please contact me here or in-game asap.
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