Unable to retrieve Protector Quest

Error popped up to inform me to post the error in forum. No problem till quest level 17, as soon I reached lv 20 I I was unable to retrieve new quest.
i believe the error you have received, said:

Dear Ziracana, there was an error with completing your quest! Information about this error will be copied in to exchange buffer after closing this window. Please, sent this information via e-mail, forum or skype to our Administration. You can insert this information in to letter by using keys CTRL+V or clicking the right mouse button and selecting "paste". Thank you.

To solve your problem, we need information from your buffer. Should this issue appear again, please, follow the instructions from the error message.
Thanks Hideki. Yes, that was the msg, will try to fetch the buffer next time. Currently I am now able to get new quest.
Thanks for looking after us,
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