Did not get 3 of the 6 dragon quests.How can I get them ??
Christian Troy30
Nottoow, could you please tell me which quest line is that so I can check it?
Did not get the Courageous Dragon Quest, the A Gift Returned Quest, or the Sword of Ilendurg Quest.
Christian Troy30
Nottoow, you missed The Makings of Bravery quest, the rest will follow > Flask of Galdian Glass, Favor for the Artisan, Liquid Courage, The Courageous Dragon, Fenir's Trial, Fiery Water Folk Remedy, Rattling Stones, Element of Fire, Stabilizing Component, A Gift Returned, Trial of Yarist, Lost Equipment, Drained Magic, Sword of Ilendur...
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could you please tell me which quest line is that so I can check it?
you missed The Makings of Bravery quest, the rest will follow > Flask of Galdian Glass, Favor for the Artisan, Liquid Courage, The Courageous Dragon, Fenir's Trial, Fiery Water Folk Remedy, Rattling Stones, Element of Fire, Stabilizing Component, A Gift Returned, Trial of Yarist, Lost Equipment, Drained Magic, Sword of Ilendur...