I can't repair my pauldrons of the relentless gladiator

I clicked repair on my pauldrons of the relentless gladiator, the screen popped up like it should and i clicked repair. the screen closed but my pauldrons remain broken. What should i do?
same here ... think its cause of the new update ... hope ya all can fix this soon
just repaired it myself and have asked to my coleague to do so - works fine. It also shows in the log file that you repaired it successfully. If you still encounter this problem, could you please take a screenshot and send it to > support@dragoneternity.com

Many thanks.
I have the same problem, my pauldrons won't repair, the screen comes up and I click the repair button, but then the window closes and nothing happened, still broken.
Do you repair it by using your backpack's repair tab (that's how I did it and it worked fine) or somehow directly / any other method?
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