No christmas gifts to send

18:53 Heaven's Voice: You have received the Christmas Benevolence Quest.

I still have halloween gifts, not christmas ones. How to get it done without the gifts?
*The Christmas Tree emits a pleasant pine smell in the Clan Hall, giving wake to festive stir and joy*.

That's all? For 10G? Nothing else we can do with this right now?
20:09 Heaven's Voice: You have received the Christmas Benevolence Quest.
20:09 Heaven's Voice: You have abandoned the Christmas Benevolence Quest.
wait 3 more hours to try again.
4th cancel and try again, still the same quest. ridiculous.
Personally, I would do away with gifts that give items. Too many have a small army of alts in this game and already take their reals for their own.

Thus i give this "bug" a big

Why you are so jealous of this thing ? You can just do the same thing my dear ^^ at least its better than not having those gifts at all
13:28 Heaven's Voice: You have received the Christmas Benevolence Quest.
13:28 Heaven's Voice: You have abandoned the Christmas Benevolence Quest.
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