Can't select npc

I just started playing and am level 4, I'm suppose to talk to this guy to pick my class; I can see the icon over his head, but no matter how many times I click on him, nothing happens. Am I missing something?
if you buy an amulet, ( an item he can wear), this selects your players class
I am also stuck. I tried the amulet, but to avail. I am still unable to continue with the game.

If that's the quest called "Warrior's Charm", ( you need to Go to the Shop and purchase one of the three Charms. If I recall correctly, you had to use Shop for this, not Auction House.

If that isn't the quest you're stuck on, Please reply with the quest name so we can help you figure it out
Please mention exact name and text of quest so we'll be able to help you better, thanks.
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