"we won't be able to fulfill them" (Assuming">

Typos on services page


"we won't be able to fulfil them" -> "we won't be able to fulfill them"
(Assuming American English given "armor" spelling within this document)

"When your Gift is eady" -> "When your Gift is ready"

"Just like with standart Gifts" -> "Just like with standard Gifts"

"The price of this services" -> "The price of this service"

"writers and srtists won't disappoint you" -> "writers and artists won't disappoint you"

"econuntered in the game" -> "encountered in the game"

"to fullfil your order" -> "to fulfill your order"
(Same assumption here regarding "fulfil" vs "fulfill")

"whether custom or standart" -> "whether custom or standard"

"can not be not restored" -> "can not be restored"

Thank you!
Also your standard melvin announcement says "Melving" somewhere, been like this for a year too
Plus he never has anything new to offer, although it says that he offers novelties.

Please find where does it say Melving in announcement and i'll fix that ;) All others description issues shall be fixed.
It's not when you click through to the page of Melvin, only says Melving when you scroll through everything at news...
BUMP, Melving still exists any novelties though?
Where is exact place i can see that text?
I see it as I log in on iPad under news.
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