Walking the line achievement bugged

imhave now done garuug twice with hunter bag equipped and both times it shows I only completed 5/6 I believe there are only 5 garuug fights available so how can this achievement be completed?
There are six fights. First drops gray spoils, second - green, third - blue, fourth - purple, fifth orange and lastly sixth - red.

Edit: As discussed through pm's reason why one of the fights was not counted is because during one fight you had your hunters kit unequipped and this being the reason for not counted.
I did this also, had kit on the from start to finish and even got a tracked beast on the third but finished got red bag but no achievement points.
The same thing happened to me. I had my kit on the entire garuug stay. On the final fight, I got a tracked beast. I did get my red bag and went on to finish some quests and continued to get tracked beasts. So my kit wasn't broken.
Has anyone completed this achievement? Seems silly to risk garuug for an achievement that won't give credit anyway
Noted, and forwarded for further investigation due to thread in tavern.
Updated, as far as we've tested - it does work 100% of time for us please use bug report button to send us a log next time you do garuug and don't receive achievement.
Checked your profile, you don't have the achievement. Can you please tell us 1 player that does have this done?

I can assure you, Ancient Specters know how to use a hunter kit and how to report bugs ">
I will not recommend my clan mates keep a kit on that will risk not getting garuug bag for an achievement that has no reward (except a shiny badge) and no proof that it works after this many complaints. ">
Just completed garuug again with hunterr kit equipped and the achievement shows 5/6 once again. I reported the bug again so we shall see what happens.
King Joffrey did you use the report a bug button as mentioned earlier?
Ihit I did report the bug as I am on mobile I used the g button to report
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