Excellent Hunter's Arrow...... Where to use them?

Excellent Hunter's Arrow the achievement award, blue arrows called Excellent Hunter's Arrows.
I cannot use them anywhere.
Hero Boss, DoT boss, Torlings, Barbs, Rachnis, Tracked mobs, Elites. Nothing. Anyone been able to use them?
Have you tried using it against any player in pvp fight?

Edit: We'll be looking at Excellent Hunter's Arrows shortly.
Thanks for the reply. Yes, I have them on my panel and am always looking to see if they are not greyed out. Glad to hear you're looking into it, it does say Monsters on the description, so guessing they would not work in pvp. Thanks again.
Should be fixed, in near time when quick update rolls out it should work as intended.
Not sure if there's been an update yet, but the arrows are still not working.
I was wrong! they are working today. thank you!
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