Zalex Jr49
cant get to area map
I was just clearing my traps after a devastating 7b (got a curse, fight still going at the time) and this happened;uT=u;cP=1;pN=1115597;uN=Zalex+Jr
which means I lots my traps drop of 1 shiny wing, 1 sharp stinger and 1 leg of beef
this not first time it has happened either and I know it can be fixed by refreshing but please fix this small bug
(I think it caused due to both fights ending at same time);uT=u;cP=1;pN=1115597;uN=Zalex+Jr
which means I lots my traps drop of 1 shiny wing, 1 sharp stinger and 1 leg of beef
this not first time it has happened either and I know it can be fixed by refreshing but please fix this small bug
(I think it caused due to both fights ending at same time)