Storm Kat63
Narrative Quest Level 60 - The Cost of Barocirtus
"Obtain 10 Glaive by slaying Fierce Rachni [60]" location listed Watchtower.
Level 60 Rachnis are called Tough Rachnis at Watchtower. I hit a bunch and did not get credit for them. And cannot figure out how to follow a quest on the islands as it keeps telling me to go back to harbor. There is no Fierce Rachni in the bestiary.
Level 60 Rachnis are called Tough Rachnis at Watchtower. I hit a bunch and did not get credit for them. And cannot figure out how to follow a quest on the islands as it keeps telling me to go back to harbor. There is no Fierce Rachni in the bestiary.
absolutely correct. Thank You, saved me a whole bunch of time.