Problem with 2 stage hero of empire quest for levels 16-21 (Vandal Darkguards)

I have spoken to others at this level and know that I am not alone in experiencing bugs with this quest. The vandal darkguards do offer Hero of Empire reputation points for each kill, but they do not drop any insignias of redeemer. according to the library accounts of the hero of empire quests, both the single stage and 2 stage versions should give both rep and insignias for each kill. Also, the quest does not show up as a quest in my list of quests on the left of my iPad screen as the single stage version does, nor do the vandal darkguards have crossed swords over their heads when I am following this quest. Perhaps this is why so few warriors participate in this quest.
The stage 2 (boss) only gives rewards if he gets killed other than that idk what the problem could be.
This problem has been reported many times and at all levels.

It's the issue that sometimes tend to happen when players doesn't receive quest therefor no insignias are dropped for some players. Nothing to do with not killing boss as player was killing usual monsters during stage 1 and getting hero reputation but none of insignias. We're already looking into it.
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