disappearing bread

okay what the world is going on....i had 200+ wheat bread to disappear...then bought 50 to keep me until my bread cooked...and it cooked put another on to cook and they have all disappeared again...i want my bread back.....thank you very much...
I ran out of cake and bread was the closest thing. Sorry :/
You just need 5pieces of that food to heal entirely so maybe you used it all?
Magic bread!!
Probably you had it on auto, so you used it and did not notice. But I do believe it was Ellie who stole your bread, she is always looking for something to eat and never share...

P.S. I am still waiting for the chocolates you promised me Ellie .
It's exactly as D3athknight says. You most likely have it on auto use therefor it was used up pretty quickly.

*gives chocolates*
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