In English that means?
Hells Legionnaire,


In english that means "I'm a desperate little troll who tries way to hard to rob from clans and disguise himself but ultimately causes an epic fail and elicits LULZ"
Marcus the Wise,

Best part being they don't realise it's obvious as there post in guardian application states denied which as far as I'm aware is only given to those who have broken rules / those previously jailed
Hells Legionnaire,


U shoulda seen though...his email address was listed as djboots12, djboots being the guy who robbed underworld
haha, I remember djboots. My alts made a lot of bc rep on that annoying person.
He doesn't only tries to rob clans, he also tried to steal my boots. He said he'll pay me 1g if he could loan them for 30min ">.
he tried tricking me by sweet talking me xD fudging s *blocked*
lol yea he tried same here...
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