Amulet of Melding

Item type Quests


Allows to select your Dragon companion. In order to do so, click your Character's avatar in the upper left corner of the screen, then select the golden Dragon icon in the window that pops up.

U have 2 make the Amulet, u start a quest at lvl 16 where u get each part for it then u can assemble it
how do get the parts
Can i please have a amulet for the dragon?
can i please get it
I collected the amulet how to activate it?
i got 2 parts doing good so far
at lvl 10 you get a quest to start the trail, when you finish all trails and reach lvl 16 you get amuet. BTW i have 4 peices so far
you get a trial every lvl 10-16. read my previous comment

I finsihed it and got it ">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">">
I kill you
I just got mine! Just gotta get lvl 16 then I can get my dragon!
at lvl 10 an air dragon will start u on a quest. lvl 11 its a chaos dragon, lvl 12 its a water dragon, lvl13 its an earth dragon, lvl 14 its a fire dragon, and lvl 15 it's order. then come lvl 16 you can get your dragon.

I am very proud to say that i am lvl 14 and already have the 250 essences of order needed for the order piece
i made it
i love it