How is leane fit to be a guardian when she is desperately trying to hide major ursas thread

This is not how a guardian acts.

She is responding to thread after thread to hide the thread I’m trying to let admin take a look at.

Look at all the posts here and how many times she removed her comment to add the same comment to bump threads.

So sad.

She is biased and totally not fit to be in any guardian role
And btw I already screen shot what he wrote so if he deletes it I’ll just post it

And I find it ironic that u r trying to hide this hateful post. Just last month u wrote a similar post about me then deleted all of it when u realized pandor wasn’t going to leave Eli.

Such a hypocrite.
Poor thing.
I am not sure what you mean by delete. If you are referring to the post PHANTOM made, I removed the curse words as you pointed out they were inappropriate, which you are correct. It’s just a game, no need for that. But, I did not delete any of my posts.

If you’re still under the impression that I am somehow pining for him or jealous then feel free to live under a false assumption. I find it an impossibility to pine for someone I don’t know, and have never spoken more than the following words to: Thank you! Or Good job!

You married him in a game; Im happy that you found someone to support you. I have my guy in real life and he’s wonderful to me, just had our anniverary. You can continue to shout I am jealous of an in game marriage and I can only tell you, I’m happy with the love of my real life. Plus I must admit I love rubbing on them abs. 😂

If you feel my reasoning for pointing out your past errors in PHANTOM’s post was because of jealousy, then feel free to believe another false assumption. I don’t tolerate people talking down to others. I felt it was wrong, the way you spoke and treated people as if you’re better. You’re not. We all have good and bad about us. There’s not a single person who has lead a mistake free life wherein they earned the right to pass judgment / talk down to others. You can continue to obsessively talk about and hex me, but I am not changing what I see as right and wrong. My parents raised me a certain way, I live it by it through and through.

And as Mr. Gump says:

And that’s all I have to say about that!
OMFG linda you are such a dramatic person, always telling you don't want drama and then making drama like not even a minute later. Stop being so damn grumpy, it doesn't suit you.
Mr Baggins,

Lol. They started another trash thread on me. Get up to speed before u shoot your ignorant mouth off.

It’s beyond obvious u r a jealous little girl. Now stop writing novels to prove that’s true and maybe u will even start believing your not envious.
goddessLinda, you really need to relax. I can promise you that dreidan would be able to find the post no matter how many others leane bumped. I support Leane’s attempt to take the rudeness off the first page, it is the appropriate actions for a guard that does not yet have ability to edit posts. You need to accept that by making this post you have proven your only goal is to be the center of attention and to draw more eyes to the Ursa post you claim to want removed. How many people would have missed ursa’s thanks to leane.... just to have you keep it at the front?
Kitty Kat,

Omfg. I don’t even post on this forum. I only did because someone told me they started another hate thread on me. Kat I know u r filled with bitter spitefullness but mind your own business. Go make your own drama like u love.

I would be happy never seeing my name mentioned on here and never writing anything. However I’m not going to just let this crap fly.

U all need to move on and focus on your own selves and be less preoccupied with me and my clan.
I won’t visit this thread again. I really can’t comprehend how u people have no lives and just keep posting this trash talk about me.

Please try to find other more positive ways to focus your minds on.

Elitists is what it is and I am not going anywhere nor is anyone in my clan.

You all need to deal with it and move on.
I really thought you were smarter than this. We are not talking about elitists, which you claim to have made a powerful clan. You did not, it always was a powerful clan, well before you joined it, you did not really build a thing. We are talking about your childish actions calling names and whining about people not liking you... that's always what every fucking forum post turns to: you whining about people not liking you. SO just suck it up, and grow the F*** up
Mr Baggins,
well said :)

blah blah blah we know all jealous on you
but for me it looks like you are the one be jealous on Leane, being young, well known, liked, trusted and popular in server and succesfull in real life.
its a pity how you try hide the obvious envy and hate towards her, and how you try dig her down. but how ever, you failed again.
proud of your clan? also pity. you are right, they wont move from there. as they wait on exchanger to get pandors reals but when need fight on your side, they all disappear :D loyality, is the key word

congrats on green name
happy that admins not listen only one person whinning :)
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