Marcus's Incoherent Ramblings, episode 1

Welcome to the pilot episode of "Marcus's Incoherent Ramblings"!

Today, I will be talking about pie—but not what you'd expect.

So I was thinking about pie etc. You know how pie comes in different flavors? Blueberry, apple, coconut cream, communism, eternal damnation...oh right, pie flavors. So anyway, what if we had a pie flavored pie?! So basically, a pie without flavors is crust: baked starch. So, a pie flavored pie would be flavored like pie crust. Okay, so that's 1 layer of pie flavoring. What if that pie which is the flavor of the other pie was flavored pie? SO basically, pie flavored pie flavored pie. WHat would THAT taste like?! If a pie flavored pie tastes like pie crust, then obviously the flavoring is pie crust filling! Not pie crust, but a filling that tastes like pie crust! Let's go deeper*! Pie flavored Pie flavored Pie flavored Pie!!!!!! So, this pie is the flavor of a pie with pie crust filling! That pie will be filled with pie crust filling, but solidified at some places to incorporate the solid element of the pie flavored pie flavored pie flavored pie. Now, what if it goes on to infinity?? pie flavoredpie flavoredpie flavoredpie flavoredpie flavoredpie flavoredpie flavoredpie flavoredpie flavoredpie flavoredpie flavoredpie flavoredpie flavoredpie flavoredpie flavoredpie flavoredpie flavoredpie flavoredpie flavoredpie flavoredpie flavoredpie flavoredpie flavoredpie flavoredpie flavoredpie flavored you get the point. We can assume this: the further down we go, we get solidified pie crust filling and liquid pie crust filling more and more. Since we're going to infinity, the line between solid and liquid blurs. So, if we had infinity, the filling would be pie crust flavored but with twice the viscosity of regular pie crust filling. I have solved the ultimate enigma of pie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ">">">">">

*=that's what she said

Well, that's it for now, folks. Marcus will be back soon for another installment of Marcus's Incoherent Ramblings!
After reading that now I want pie....and coffee.
god damn, now even I can't understand what the hell I wrote ">
Lol I'm posting this 10 months after the thing was created.. Lol Awesome!! XD
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