The following is strictly forbidden in chat:

1. Use of abusive language, swearing and concealed profanity. 

2. Any sort of provocation, initiating conflicts and other player harassment.

3. Publication of Trade/Looking for Group messages outside their respective channel. The minimum allowed interval between messages is 5 minutes in the Trade channel and 3 minutes in the Looking for Group channel.

4. Communication in the trade chat on any topics not related to trading. 

5. Distribution of external links, discussion and advertising of any projects unrelated to

6. Excessive use of the upper case (CAPS), however, writing individual words in capital letters to emphasize a particular word or thought is allowed.

7. Discussing politics, actions of politicians, criticism of the government, etc.

8. Threats of violence in real life.

9. Discussing any topics that may offend any other players (racism, fascism, forms of discrimination, pornography, sexual remarks, ethnic remarks, attempts to form ethnic strife, and similar topics).

10. Discussion and advertising of drugs and/or alcohol.

11. Cluttering the chat in any manner including, but not limited to, sending messages that make no sense, messages that are not related by meaning, or repetition of similar characters.

12. Flooding - sending the same or similar messages more that once in every three minutes, or the repetitive sending of smileys.
13. Communication in languages other than English and German.


The following is allowed in the Forum:

• creating new topics in any forum in accordance with these rules; 

• requesting compliance of these rules from other forum members; 

• discussing the actions of the moderators through a specialized branch of the forum in case of disagreement. 



Forum users are forbidden to:

• create similar topics, post several similar responses in the topic;

• create topics that have no meaning, consist of symbols, smileys, etc. This applies to both the topic and the body of the post;

• excessive use of text formatting features (fonts, colors, etc.);

• sporting slogans;

• quotation of messages that contain profanity and / or abusive language;

• flame war (open showdown);

• intentional cluttering of a topic;

• begging, asking for in-game goods and money;

• trading outside dedicated forum section;

• off-topic posts within the bounds of the current discussion;

• communicating in a language other than English, or otherwise incomprehensible to most readers of forum;

• placement of messages on behalf of the players who have received forum gag;

• "bumping" of old topics with last comments submitted over a month ago;

• abusing other players;

• sexual harassment (i.e. messages containing appeals to sexual relations);

• recurring placement of messages on behalf of the players who have received forum gag;

• swearing;

• hidden abusive language;

• threats in real life, as well as threats of hacking character, mail, messengers, etc.;

• provocation of other users to violate the laws of the game;

• attempts of fraud, slander;

• promotion of use and distribution of drugs, alcohol, psychotropic substances;

• incitement of ethnic hatred; 

• manifestations of fascism, racism, as well as any other form of eroding human dignity based on religion, gender and other characteristics;

• incitement to violence, terrorism;

• links to external Internet resources;

• unauthorized advertising projects;

• malicious links that are hazardous to character, email, messengers and other communicators, as well as users' computers;

• discussions, proposals, requests for sale (exchange) of gaming resources (money, services, property, character) for real and / or play money not through authorized dealers.

These Rules are effective on the entire Forum and apply both to players and Administration of the forum. If internal Rules are applied in any of the Forum sections, they compliment the General Forum Rules. The Administration reserves the right to change the Rules without prior notice. Ignorance of the Rules is no excuse for violating them. The Administration is the final authority in interpreting the Rules for any particular topic or post.

For violating these and other forum rules, players (user) can be immediately, without any prior notice, denied the services of the game, or such services may be limited in whole or in part.

The Administration is authorized to act at its own discretion when addressing issues not covered by the above rules.