Bad name that is in direct violation of rules

Bleepyou is an offensive name to most players. In todays society a "bleep" is used to cover swearing in audio clips on radio and tv. This players name is obviously flipping everyone the bird. If names such as sexypants are a violation of the rules then this one absolutely has to be a violation of the rules. I have seen players banned for far less than a name like this one and am told that it was allowed because they were already lvl 6 when it was caught. I don't feel this is fair to those of us that play by the rules everyday. Bleepyou is obviously concealed profanity which is in direct violation of the first rule in chat. If it is not a violation then no guard should be able to tell me to not use that type of language if i were to tell someone to Bleep off.

1. Use of abusive language, swearing and concealed profanity.
I (bleeping) agree! :)
Bleep is first and foremost a sound.
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