
hi i was just wonderin why my character is in shackles. my friend gave me his swords to hold for him then when he logged back on i traded them back and he gave me 4 gold for holding them. so why am i in prison shakles i do not understand.
That trade is illegal. The value of the swords is far greater than the total value of the new character.
He told me to hold them and he messaged me to give them back to him. I didnt know it was illegal to hold his stuff and give it back to him.

You agreed to the rules when you joined, thus making you aware of them. I am sorry, but there is nothing we can do, to lessen the punishment in this case.
This is my first EVER offense. i understand what i did was wrong but cant i just pay like 5 gold and get let off with a warning?

You can write to and appeal the sentance if you feel it is unfair.
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