Prospector and Sydian Fights

Can you please clarify the rules on 2 scenarios I have encountered recently? In both cases I was the defender and had no intention of participating in "rigged" combat.

1 - Attacker has no gear on when he hits my miner. I defend (as I usually do) and therefore end up in a combat with a character with no gear on, and win. Is there anything illegal about this?

2 - Attacker hits my mine, I defend. Attacker changes her mind and decides to no longer fight back and simply dies. I did not request that this attacker throw the fights. Is there anything illegal about this?

Please note - I am mostly concerned about these scenarios due to the recent accusations of throwing fights and the threat of being shackled and fined. If I must report these fights to avoid any problems for myself, I will. Thank You. ">
trying to jail people you don't like?
More concerned they are trying to jail me. Last thing I want is for someone else to report the fight when I know very well it Appears to be rigged.
I'm sure you know that if you can't do anything about the fight becoming rigged...that then it can't be your fault.
in theory, you are correct. Unfortunately, many gamers have been far from pleasant to each other lately and I would not put it past someone to try to set others up for jail time.

I would like guardian comment on this. Fights in mines are watched by many, and last thing I need is more drama due to someone Not in the fight accusing AS of rigging battles again. Simply covering our butts here, do we need to be concerned and report? Or, are we safe and can just keep defending regardless of who or what they are wearing?
Storm Kat,

If you're not doing anything wrong nothing is going to happen to you - both situations you described won't get you in trouble. We're all reasonable people here. However the moment i see someone trying to exploit my good will i will jail. Same goes for if someone is offering you mines for throwing fights for example - this will be shackles without any second thought.
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