Ball of New Year's Wishes I
Magic ball, inside which you can find:
- Elixirs and orbs of "orange" quality
- Elixirs and orbs of "red" quality
- Elements of the collections Protector, Corsair, Defender of Adan, Hero of the Empire and Conqueror of the Seven Bridges
- Orb of Magical Spring
- Balms of Onslaught, Candelas of the Elements and Phials " Dragon's Breath" by character level
- Casket of Merit
If you are particularly lucky, you can become the lucky winner of one of the following prizes::
- Blue character level and class parsel
- Dragon Ragweed
- Reward Casket
- Unique toy buildings, allowing you to instantly build a building in your Outpost and upgrade it to 5
- Ethereal Collections by character level
- Missing items from Bonecrusher and Healer collections
- Unique earrings purple of character level quality
- Orange parsel by character level and class
- Amulets purple quality for characters of 70 and 90 levels
Also, by opening each 200th ball, you will guaranteed receive Inactive Guardian Hammer, activating which, you will be able to use the full power of this formidable weapon for 1 day. And every 300th ball, you will guaranteed receive Inactive amazing Earring, which you can activate for 14 days.
The lit Ball gives you the right to participate in the super prize lottery, which will be held at 13:00 server time. Super Prizes of the first day:
- Any parsel black quality of of your choice
- Set of 32 fragments of Other Worlds
- Сертификат на уникальный образ «Воина снегов»
- Set of 30 wands of summoning Grandfather Khladomir
- Two sets of frost weapons with a set of class meth orange quality
- Two snow armor sets with a set of class meth orange quality
- Unique mount - Kyanite Panyar
Each Lighted Ball you have increases your chances of winning.