Gladiator Casket

Required level 6
Item type Room


Inside, you can find best quality items available to you:
- gladiator balms depending on reputation and level
- purple orbs and elixirs if your level is lower than or equal to 21
- orange orbs and elixirs if your level is lower than or equal to 21 above or equal to 22}
- collection items "Bone Breaker" if your reputation level is lower 16000 "Gladiators"
- Helm of Spear Striker if your reputation level is lower "Gladiators" from 16000 to 36999
- Gladius of Flesh Cleaver or Kyanite Crown if your reputation level is "Gladiators" from 37000
- Apsular, if your reputation level is "Gladiators" from 81000.

The item can be obtained by participating in battles in Arena of Honor and Tournament of Honor. After the lifetime expires will turn into Lost Gladiator Casket, which can be restored for 5.00.