Unusual Track

Item type Quests


A print of a large bare foot found by Meldina's house. Quest item for "Tracks on Clay".

What do I do with it now? I collected it and am done..do I give it to the witch? The quest is gone from my book.
Same here, its just sitting in the bag
Same here. Not sure what I do as it will soon be taking up room in my backpack and prevent me from accumulating other important things.
me too
i know
and me
that happened to me too… gone from quest book
So what do I do with it now? It's just taking up space in my inventory....
what do i do?
Does anyone ever answer any of these questions or what? What do I do with this Unusual Track? Can anyone help! ">
I'm adding it to my bigfoot collection
I'm having that problem, too
the sexual track nice name wooooooooooo">">">
what now?