I would like to request a BS button with an option to rant

Due to some of the stress that this game creates, I would like to see a BS button implemented, or call it whatever you'd like: Complaint Dept., HR depart., Social Services Dept., etc . . .
When we experience something that just doesn't seem right, like being hit with 4 criticals in a row, or 4+ blocks in a row, or watching that forever smiling little prankster forcing me to drink all my pots and he still has 1/2 life, or when in battle and the person always runs the clock down to 1sec, or anything that just doesn't fit quite right, we would have the option of selecting this button, type in our rant and submit. Then a good response would be, "thank you for your input. Your thoughts and ideas are extremely valuable to us. Please be patient with our system as we are deciding on which department needs to respond to your particular situation. Once again, your opinions are valuable to us and we'll get back to you just as soon as possible and have a nice day. Then insert a smilie face that looks like a secretary with a headset on at the end of the response. No need to retain or followup after that, we just need to rant once in a while.

I like your idea, I just hope no one would get too carried away with their ranting and raving.
I'd wear that button out!
or you could just shout abuse at the computer? :P
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