Tweaking the rules

So, I found out that per rules number 5 and 7 we cannot discuss other games, websites, etc. or talk about politics, actions of politicians, etc. I believe that this makes a quite dull chat so I was wondering if those rules could be changed to allow more conversation. I am ready to get a petition going if needed.

EDIT: The changes that I would suggest would be making it legal to discuss politics (e.g. 'Did you hear about law such-and-such that would make it legal to do that one thing?) and make it so we can discuss other games excluding browser based ones. (e.g. 'I prefer Modern Warfare to Black Ops')
For me personally this would have the opposite effect. I don't mind talking about DE 'cause we're all playing it, but it's the only game I like, I don't want to sit around all day in a chat room with people talking about all sorts of other games.

Plus, in my opinion this is a) free advertising for them and b) will cause a "game X is better than game Y" debate all the time. *yawn*.
Perhaps put the chat in another tab then? Kind of like how we have trade and world tabs? Make either a general chat tab or make separate tabs for each discussion.
Just chiming in myself, here. I personally think that the chat is a bit dry and dull as it is, but as far as the rules about politics and other games go, I don't really mind them.

Discussions about these can get really heated, and they overwhelm the people who want to get tips or otherwise discuss the game. I respect people's right to talk about those things, but I just am personally kind of glad not to have to hear of them here. And we can always discuss that in private right?
i shouldin be charge for having to charaters as long they are not on the same side i should be good and plus they are on the same server same account i should not be punish for this cause if it was should a voilation the game it self would not allow me to start over a new game.
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