Move cancel quest button

I think the button for canceling quests should be moved from away from the exit page button. Perhaps farther to the left of the page and the close button moved farther to the right of the page. As now I can not get my quest back due to accidentally quitting it. If I can get the quest back I can't find it. If this has already been suggested forgive me for making another thread I searched the pages for one and even used the search feature but only came up with a guide to the game itself.
Did that once already. Lost all my progress too and it was almost done :(
The CANCEL button NEED To be much farther away from Close.
Nicolas de LenfentMove cancel quest button I think the button for canceling quests should be moved from away from the exit page button. Perhaps farther to the left of the page and the close button moved farther to the right of the page. As now I can not get my quest back due to accidentally quitting it. If I can get the quest back I can't find it. If this has already been suggested forgive me for making another thread I searched the pages for one and even used the search feature but only came up with a guide to the game itself.
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