Some Game Tweeks

First off little about myself, my name is Patrick i am big into online gaming, i have played WoW for over 6 yrs currently looking for a replacement as the game has taken a turn for the worse more and more over the past couple years, i stumbled upon this game and i must say i am impressed for a simple web browser game it has some serious potential. i am not afraid to spend/donate real money to a well deserved low budget game such as this. before i do spend/donate real currency i think if this game was too see some slight tweeks to it then it could really shine and grow for example

1. even out the pve damage more,, i know the npc toons do not heal but over all they hit alot harder and seem to crit/block/reflect alot more often then a player toon. balancing this a little will make it more enjoyable as right now it can be extremely frustrating trying to kill something your own level burning through items for 1 kill that is not even close to being worth what you spent trying to kill it

2. maybe increase the drops slightly as this may go with my first statement slightly,, for example if i use 2 powerful elixir of life to kill 1 npc my level and he only drops maybe 1s 12c well that is not worth it and fight after fight of doing this you are going backwards with your money =D

3. im not sure how web browser games like this work but if at all possible maybe make grouping a little more user friendly, for example say the leader attacks something maybe have a window popup that asks the rest of the group if they would like to join, rather then have to search around and try to attack the same monster unless there is already a way to do this that i am not aware of.

i do have more ideas but these are some of the bigger ones, if im lvl 9 for ex. or lvl 10 even, with practically all gladiator gear on then a lvl 7 should not be hitting harder then i am by almost double,, in my opinion this is not correct nor is it fun. other then that i feel the creators of this game did an extremely good job and i think they should continue to work on this game as like i said this game has GREAT potential and i think that web browser rpg's are going to be the next big hit,,,, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK THANKS ">
Very good detail, #1 I agree with the most as those enemies are very hard hitting. Another addition maybe would also be music as this would be a bit better the mouse clicks and keyboard smashings. All in all that is about the same things that I think about when playing the game as well.
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