Pure Profit

Okay, I've been using this system for a while now and found that it works well for me, and one of the others I've shared it with. Unfortunately, the second person I shared it with didn't have as much luck. We've concluded that was because of her lack of decent armor. All in all I'd say that this guide is best for those with over 2/3's minimum hp points of the monster they're fighting. I've compiled a list of the kit I use and the strategy with which I use it that has left me living through all but 2% of the battles since I began using it. It is effective against monsters of your own level and, for those with better quality armor, for even monsters up to 3 levels higher than yourself (But that's not recommended unless you can afford possible repair bills.)


Simple Elixir of Life (100) {Cost: 56s}
Lesser Elixir of Endurance (25) {Cost: 26s}
Lesser Orb of Courage (50) {Cost: 4.5s}
Wild Carrot (25) {Cost: 8.25s}

TOTAL COST: 94 silver, 75 copper.


Now obviously, this will work differently for different people. However, I've found that to make it even EASIER, you want to pair yourself against humanoid mobs (Darkguards, Ghosts, Sinra, Deydri, etc.) that are of the class you are strong against. In my case, as a Paladin, that would be Witcher-class mobs.

Lead out with the Lesser Elixir of Endurance.
1st & 2nd turn, attack stance using a Lesser orb of Courage (2 per battle, no more.)
Attack from Magic stance until mana is full, healing as needed.
Once mana is full, enter Defense.
Use up all mana on your strongest spell.
If they're still alive, attack from DEFENSE until dead.

Now understand, this kit WILL NOT work for everyone since the quality of armor and the variation between levels factors into the damage you deal and take. But for those of you that believe this may work for you... Enjoy. :)


Tachi's guide does work i havee used it. I have not died once. My drop rate is awesome. Costs are low and rewards high very definate must read and use!
The battle strategy has worked very well for me - allowing me to kill mobs 2-3 lvls higher than I am, however I haven't been able to make money. Right now I am breaking even with the cost of the orbs/potions. This is still better than trying to kill lower level mobs, and I *think* my drops have been better because of this strategy. I will have to keep at it to see if the improved drops is something that stays consistent.

Thanks Tachi!
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