Few questions regarding the game


I've started today with the game and level 11 now. I got here by doing all quests I could find but now I'm kinda stuck, only the dragon quest and map quest are left which both seem really hard to finish.

Regarding the dragon quest, what is the best way to collect 200 air essence? At the moment I get 1-2 essence per monster but it takes forever to kill one because I need to get enough mana first.

My second question is: What is the best place to grind after I've done all quests for my level?

I hope someone can help me on this.
1. Pick higher level mobs (1 to 2 above you) and potion up, and only use mana stance.
2. wherever you want really.
quests dont appear much, ive had 3 new quests since 16........think they are adding some more soon

Sarah x
Alright, guess it comes to grinding.

Next question is, how can I make money to pay for all the potions/food that I need for the grinding? I use almost always 5 potions per monster.
farm essences at the same time, you can sell them off for a profit
Alright, another question: How important are collections? I'm tempted to buy every collection available at the moment (for Reals and Gold) but what benefits do they give? Is it a huge advantage?
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