Elitists' Islands

We stake a claim to the following islands:
Kariol Village, Sacrificial Beach,
Smuggler Shore, Tree Ark,
Rocky Shore, Abandoned Camp,
Stiletto Rock, Yeller Cave,
Radiant Tree, Watch Tower
Kariol Village, Sacrificial Beach,
Smuggler Shore, Tree Ark,
Rocky Shore, Abandoned Camp,
Stiletto Rock, Yeller Cave,
Radiant Tree, Watch Tower
Come show us why we don't.
You are always welcomed to crash at our place. The sun is always shining, though, so bring some quality sunscreen.
I posted this in response to somebody from another clan asking which islands are Elitists'. Because I've answered the question several times, now I can simply refer them to this forum post.
You can claim it your island, nobody will care.
Just because you piss on it, doesn't mean it's yours.
If you had to create this post to let people know it's your islands, clearly nobody cares it's "your islands" so they hit anyways.
~If you can't defend them, you don't deserve them.
King of DE huh
Can I be princess or countess.....countess has a good evil ring to it
Im ok...
looks at my hmmm i am starting to see double must keep
I respect your decisions trong